Monday, February 1, 2016


I do not know about everyone else but we save paper bags.  We have used them as gift wrap with different decorations on them.  But this is mainly at Christmas time.  Then I got the bright idea of using them in my scrapbooking and card making.
I decided I want a textured look to this particular paper so I crumpled it up.  I did not want it  "too" crumpled so I laid it out and ironed it just a little.
Then I laid a piece of card stock paper on top and traced around it.  This gives me a guide to cut the textured flattened paper bag. I avoided some marks on the paper so did not start at the top of the paper.
Then used scissors to cut round my tracing.
Using my cutter a cut was made on the line down the middle of the large piece of paper bag.  Scissors could be used for this too.
 On the back side (at least that is what I call it) is a seam in the bag, as you can see in the picture above.
As a guide for my cutter a mark is placed on either side of the seam Once the lines are traced on, I cut along those lines.
After cutting the lines I now have two pieces of the bag.  They are not the size of card stock so they are cut into shapes I can use.
 Another problem I encountered was some kind of grease mark on the paper. It is a little difficult to see in the picture.
The card stock was used as a guide to miss the grease mark. 

I traced around the card stock. Easily missing the grease mark.

In this picture I used another method of cutting besides my scissors.  I used a roller cutter.  It worked really well.  Did have to make sure I pressed firmly to cut.
I trimmed some of the extra pieces that I will use as accents in my scrapbooking.

Some pieces of paper were too small for cardstock but were big enough to use making cards

Another method with the brown paper bags is to tear edges.  This gives the paper a different bit of texture and character to my scrapbooking. 

I now have several pieces of paper from the 2 brown paper bags that I can use as accents or as card stock.  What gave me the idea was when I was going to scrapbook some old family ancestor pictures. Of course I am sure there will be more uses.

Now my free paper pieces are stored and ready to go.  Hope this gives everyone ideas on what to use around the house to scrapbook with.  I think I may start thinking what else I can use as paper accents.

Here is a couple scrapbook pages I did with the diy paper bag paper.